Spine Trauma

Among the various issues that Dr. Elkanich frequently sees, spine trauma is fairly common. Spine trauma or traumatic injuries to the spinal cord are typically the result of sudden blows from some sort of accident. In mild cases, you may only notice some loss of functionality below where the injury occurred. In cases where the spinal cord was completely severed, you are likely to notice a total, permanent loss of movement and sensation below this point.

Recognizing Spinal Trauma

The first symptom most people notice following spinal trauma is spinal shock, which leads to a loss of movement and feeling below the injury site. This can decrease after several hours or weeks, but may be accompanied by other symptoms like issues with blood pressure and heart rate, breathing troubles, loss of bowel and bladder function, and muscle spasticity. Since the area below the injured site will be affected, spinal trauma is more severe when it occurs higher up on the spine.

Treating Your Spinal Trauma

Once Dr. Elkanich positively diagnoses your spinal trauma via clinical tests, x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, he will recommend a course of action. The vast majority of spinal trauma procedures require treatment immediately so the problems do not worsen. This is why emergency medical technicians stabilize your neck, head, and back. While Dr. Elkanich can’t regenerative damaged nerve tissue, you may be able to regain function and feeling over time with careful care, rehabilitation, and other treatments.

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